The textile industry is the number one polluter of clean water in the world. Over 500 gallons of water are needed to produce enough fabric for one sofa. Millions of gallons of effluent are produced yearly.
Formaldehyde, chlorine, lead, mercury, and other chemicals are released into the water supply. Our clothing is infused with allergy inducing additives and bleached using chlorine. Old clothing piles up in landfills. Over-use of plants disturb the ecological balance of the earth. Animals are exploited and abused for the sake of our most exotic fashions.
Christian Fashion Week believes in the preservation of our earth's resources and their responsible use in the production of clothing, accessories, and other products produced by the fashion industry. We believe that wildlife, living animals, and the environment as a whole should be defended from pollution, abuse, and neglect by and from mankind, the stewards of this world.